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Fellow Analysts

People Across the Blogosphere

  • Steve Shreeve
  • Larry Augustin
    Angel investor and advisor to early stage technology companies.
  • Jeff Waugh
    Passionate about the philosophy of Software Freedom and the business of Open Source.
  • Ismael Ghalimi
    Founder and CEO of Intalio, creator of and initiator of Office 2.0
  • Ivelin Ivanov
    Member of the JBoss core team as well as Director of Product Development.
  • Vinnie Mirchandani
    Founder of Deal Architect, former technology industry analyst (with Gartner), outsourcing executive (with PwC, now part of IBM) and entrepreneur (founder of sourcing advisory firm, Jetstream Group).
  • David Rossiter
    Runs an IT PR agency focused on helping companies communicate with IT industry analysts.
  • Zach Urlocker
  • Glyn Moody
    Technology journalist and author covering the Internet and free software since 1994, 1995.
  • Brian Aker
  • Ben Rockwood
  • Joshua Schachter
  • Andrew Lark
    Award-winning global communications and marketing professional
  • Coda Hale
  • Jeff Clavier
    Software entrepreneur, senior executive, venture capitalist, consultant, angel investor,... in a rather peculiar (but hopefully relevant and fun) mix

« xTuple, PostBooks 2.2 and the SMB ERP market | Main | Why open source communities continue to thrive (and what other communities can learn from it) »


Stefane Fermigier


glad to see that you mention ease of participation as a key strategic goal when designing your software architecture and your business model (both being of course related, see for instance "Beyond Software Architecture" by Luke Hohmann -

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